get involved

Join the Fun.
Become a YPA Member.
Please do consider becoming a member of the Young Preservationists Association because every bit of membership helps. It helps us know that you’re paying attention and enjoying the work that we’re doing; it also lets us know that you’re there and we can count on you for your support. Thank you for everything that you’ve done to help us have the best year that we’ve ever had.
The specific purpose of the Corporation shall be active participation of young people in the preservation of historic resources to combat community deterioration in Southwestern Pennsylvania and other economically distressed areas of Pennsylvania, and for other purposes and regions related hereto.
Create a Young Preservationist (YP) Group.
Have you ever considered getting involved in historic preservation in your community but you were unsure how to start? YPA can give you a starter kit that will get you up and running in no time! You can create a lasting impact in your region by lifting your voice and encouraging others to join you. Be an inspirational leader in your town and join the YP movement!
Support Our Mission.
Donate to our organization and support our mission.
Come to an Event.
YPA events that may interest you include:

Historic Happy Hours: We all gather in a historic tavern to discuss the topics that are most pressing in historic preservation and learn about new ideas.

Pedaling for Preservation: YPA sponsors bike tours to historic sites where we can all meet and learn about the important work that is being done–or needs to be done–before cycling home.

Painting for Preservation: Working with master fine arts painter Cory Bonnet, we meet at a historic site and draw, paint, or watercolor as an act of preserving the image of the place. All skill levels, including children, are welcome, and some instruction can also be given. An assortment of supplies can also be provided.

Speakers: YPA brings in special experts to illuminate on topics of interest, such as Saving Sacred Spaces, the History of Pittsburgh, and the Sports Stadiums of Pittsburgh.
Browse Our Media.
YPA is launching new ways for us to stay in touch with you, by hosting a podcast, showcasing a new vlog, and more! Learn More
Become a
YPA Member
Please consider becoming a member of YPA. It shows us that you’re paying attention and enjoy the work we’re doing. It tells us that you’re there and we can count on you for your support. You can become part of a movement that will immediately impact your life and community around you. Please join our team and lend your voice!