Consulting Community Members & Organizations.
Protecting historic assets in a community can be a challenging problem. YPA Consulting follows these steps to lead to a successful outcome:

Identify a market need and highest and best use through market assessment and interviews. This includes data analysis on demand and supply for space in light of targeted reuses. This would also include competitive analysis and projected absorption of space. We would supplement the data analysis with both collective community input and targeted interviews with key stakeholders.

Facility Assessment. Based on feedback from the market analysis, develop a preliminary Scope for Improvements to accommodate reuse and develop conceptual budget based on this Scope. As the project progresses, develop more detailed architectural drawings for the build-out and bidding.

Financial Assessment & Fundraising. The financial assessment would start with the conceptual budget for capital improvements, develop estimates for “soft” costs, and identify with precision the funding sources and timing of sources. Based on the market assessment, the financial assessment would develop projected income and operating expenses for the facility. It would also outline a funding strategy and work plan for securing funding, and then proceed with fundraising including developing funding proposals and generating support among public officials.

Project Management. Once funds are committed, the technical assistance would include project management to assist with closing on the financing, hiring of contractors, overseeing the project through to a successful opening.

Project Administration. YPA would take an administrative fee of 10% to manage the grant and assist with final report preparation.
Potential matching sources of funding include:

Federal — Appalachian Regional Commission, Federal Historic Tax Credit, Economic Development Administration

State — Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program, Business in Our Sites, Industrial Site Reuse Program, Historic preservation grant.

Private — Regional/local Foundations, Crowd funding from the community
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